Wednesday, November 07, 2007
About Me
- Name: Ale
- Location: Hollywood, United States
Born and raised in Italy. Worked in Movies, photography and Illustration for about 15 years, between Italy, Germany, England Switzerland and Denmark. Arrived in California in 2003. He now work as a Director at DreamWorks studios.
Previous Posts
- Tadahiro Uesughi
- Shetchbooks - Chess Game
- Sketchbooks - Bar
- sketchbooks - Sleeping
- Oliver's Brain
- Sketchbooks - Stuff on my Table
- Sketchbooks - Hollywood and Donuts
- Sketchbooks - Sketch Nights
- Merry Christmass ... 2003
- Sketchbooks - People
-------> Hits
great, very strong sketche!!!
Complimenti stile eccezionale
I like tour sketches, the way you express volumes...
I am blown away by your work. Thank you for the inspiration.
Nice stuff man, I like it alot!
I was looking at every one of your drawings.
Your sketches are very cute.
I admire the synthesis of your sketches.
Greetings !!!!!!! :-)
wow!! so wonderful!!! every one of your sketches are very sensitive. It's pure and very strong.That's all that I love.
sweet! thanks for sharing
His style is very good!! 1 st time you visit blog, you had a very good effect of light and shadow !!!!!!!!
Congratulations drawings by !!!!!
io non so parla tuo benno ittaliano pero tu molto bravo a fare tromba-tromba. Belissimo fai di braveria.
Aggiungo il mio apprezzamento per questi splendidi Sketshbook!
beautiful and elegant!
belle cose.
Bellissimi e molto comunicativi...
CIAO ALE! good year!
keeppah postin' ada goodda stuffah,man
lovely work!
very VERY awesome!
Great brush work and lovely composition.
Joe y Elio
it's very beautiful!!bravissimo
great sketches and Photos! love it.
beaeutiful line and brush drawings, are you using a brush pen? I really like the colors in your lillstrations too! especially your christmas greeting, cheers!
viva el Jazz ^-^
Que manera de Ilustrar por favor un grosso...
woow!!! nice sketches
really beautiful and artistic...
Ke bello, complimenti!!
Bellissimi disegni, complimenti
Hello Ale! I love your sketches!!, you have so much talent. I'll come back very soon :) A
sarà possibile vedere magari uno storyboard prima o poi? mannaggia a voi italiani alla dreamworks non ci fate vedere mai niente del vostro lavoro, e noi come impariamo?!
vabèm iac contenteròdiqu esti mag nifici moleskine
Incredible sketches and notes of the native an excellent work!!! I sit(feel) my Englishman, but the translator of the google does not give for any more regards from Spain!! His(her,your) drawings remember(remind) me to Alberto Breccia and in certain average to Sergio Toppi
This book sounds very interesting, I'll haev to try and hunt it down and have a look.
Eeeek! How wonderful
really beautiful and artistic..
phenomenal work here on this blog. crazy talent!
Beautiful sketch! I can almost hear the music playing :)
Woow it's the firts time i came here, this is beauful !!i'll be back!
Beautiful and inspiring work!
haha ti ho visto sul sito della dreamworks! ma è la foto superdeformer o c'hai veramente un testone enorme?!
wow, I'm the 43rd commenter!
at this point you're probably too tired to have read this far so I can say pretty much anything. blah blah blah, really nice art blah blah cool style..I'll try to be number one next time.
woow, Its remind me, a jazz band I see last week, in a restaurant! I love that place!! woooo!!!
I really want go again, for the food too!! ehehe.
Anyway.. woow, I wouldl love to do a sketches like this someday!
You are great!
Very nice works!!!
I have no words. I'm so excited ... well, in spanish "emocionado".
Do you do them directly on ink? or you first make a pencil sketch? (maybe it's a very beginner's question, but I'm really wondering).
And how long does it take you to make one?
(for having no words I have written a few...)
Complimenti, è molto buffo la ricerca del dettaglio che usi sul Moleskine confrontata all'estrema sintesi dei disegni "cartoonosi". E poi il granchio rozzo è bellissimo :D
grandioso...che pennino usi?...
Sei un mito.
Your sketches are beautiful!
Beautiful Sketch!!
Very good!! proprio per tutto tutto eh,anche solo il fatto che stai cosi in alto..
wonderful sketches
i like!
Preciosos los dibujos y el tema
ça déboite graaave !!!
Very nice works!!!
Que utilizas para realizar tus bocetos ?
espero poder ver nuevos trabajos tuyos pronto.
Alessandro this is amazing stuff!! I'm very happy to have found your blog. Keep up the great stuff.
yes, so trueful.
yeah man!
Amazing! Muito bom!
I have no words...
From Granada (Spain) has been a wonderfull surprise find out your blog. Really good work
yes, so trueful.
yeah man!
really great job.
You know to get the beauty of the reality.
Sorry for my poor english.
friendly, fabrice
You know how to Rock a sketchbook!
sketching from life is the best way to learn.
great ink job and incredible mastering of the draw
Wow, these pages are incredible. Such accuracy with seemingly few strokes - great job.
fantastico :)
Carloni. I've found an old video with a juvenile version of you and your parents in a Milanese restaurant. You looked cute.
this sketch is so stunning...
amo la china e spero di arrivare ai tuoi livelli un giorno
Nice sketch, Ale! The underlying design is wonderful!
This comment has been removed by the author.
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Brother Derek with Alex Solis up finished in a dead heat for fourth in the Derby, 9 1/2 lengths back after being steadied twice. With a career record of 6 wins out of 9 starts (3 out of 4 this year) Brother Derek had 4 straight wins before the Derby.
Stan Pearson is another forward of note who was at the club at the same time as Rowley. He didn't quite get to 200 goals but did manage a very healthy 148 in 343 appearances between 1937 and 1953. manchester united [url=]man utd vs[/url] With this as background, United is probably the more popular of the two Manchester football teams, wouldn’t you think? Such may not be the case as there has been a long-standing belief that Manchester City actually has more local fans than their more famous namesakes. A few years ago, a Manchester University research study discovered that Manchester United has 9,000 season ticket holders in the M postal area compared to Manchester City’s 7,000 season ticket holders. City fans quickly pointed out, though, that the research study was conducted before the City team moved to the larger City of Manchester stadium. As a result, no one is really sure which team is more popular among the locals. What is certain is that as far as nationwide and international support is concerned, United has a far larger fan base than City. [url=]dimitar berbatov[/url] Hopefully this article has given an informative insight into the history of the Manchester United Shirt, and should you be asked on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" for the colour scheme of the Newton Railways Club shirt, you won't need to phone a friend!
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